Our Customers

Telkom Indonesia
PT Telkom Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, also simply known as Telkom, is an Indonesian multinational telecommunications conglomerate.

Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
PT Indosat Tbk is one of the biggest telecommunications service provider and telecommunications network in Indonesia.

PT Intiland Development Tbk is a property company headquartered in Jakarta. By the end of 2020, the company has 34 properties spread across Java Island.

Hoka Hoka Bento
HokBen is a fast food restaurant chain serving Japanese style food based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Until now, HoBen has 170 outlets spread across the islands of Java, Bali, and Sumatera.

PT. Pasifik Cipta Solusi (PCS) is a company engaged in financial technology products and services. We provide payment solutions with the latest technology and in accordance with the development of the world.

Pasar Jaya
Pasar Jaya is a local company owned by the government of DKI Jakarta Province that performs public services in market management sector, empower the market traders, assist in price stability and the swift distribution of goods and services.

Primagana Tutoring Insititution, known as Primagama, is the largest tutoring institution in Indonesia. Primagana gives extra education for students from elementary and high school to gain academic success.

Riau Islands Government
The Riau Islands (Indonesian: Kepulauan Riau) is a province of Indonesia. It comprises a total of 1,796 islands scattered between Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, and Borneo including the Riau Archipelago.Sumatera.

PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) is an Indonesian government-owned corporation which has a monopoly on electricity distribution in Indonesia and generates the majority of the country’s electrical power, producing 176.4 TWh in 2015.

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, abbreviated as BNPB, is the Indonesian board for natural disaster affairs. BNPB is directly responsible to the President of Indonesia and the chairman is directly appointed by the PresidentArchipelago.Sumatera.

Telkom International, commonly abbreviated as Telin, is an Indonesian carrier services and investment company and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Telkom Indonesia.

Lintasarta (PT Aplikanusa Lintasarta) is an Indonesian company engaged in providing data communication services, internet & IT services.