Datacomm Partner Update: Managed Kubernetes Service with Kamaji

Datacomm Partner Update

Datacomm has initiated a collaboration with Clastix to develop a Managed Kubernetes Service. This strategic partnership leverages Clastix’s innovative software solution, Kamaji, to deliver robust and scalable Kubernetes services, setting a new standard for cloud infrastructure in Indonesia. Adriano Pezzuto, CEO and Founder of Clastix, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership. “We are very excited to … Read more

Datacomm Partner Update: VMware White Label Offer

Datacomm Partner Update VMware White Label Offer

Broadcom successfully acquired VMware in late 2023, and since then has completed several business transitions. Broadcom has simplified the VMware portfolio to deliver fewer strategic offerings and associated add ons, transitioned solely to subscription licensing and per core pricing, and consolidated all partner programs into the Broadcom Advantage program. For partners in the VMware Cloud … Read more

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